Finding God in Grief

As Louise shared in the studio, losing someone, especially a child, is heartbreaking. Such losses can cause us to doubt God – and blame Him. Yet, if we dare to trust Him, we will find the beauty and comfort of His grace in our darkest seasons.

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WHTN CTN#grief, #loss, #trust
It's Never Too Late

As we start this New Year commit to regularly praying for your family. Even if they already know the Lord – we all need prayer. It’s never too late to believe God can make changes in your family. You may have lived with some circumstances and situations for a long time – but it’s never too late to pray and ask God to bring change.

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Secrets to a Better Tomorrow

Owning our choices is not for the faint of heart. It’s usually much easier to point to our dysfunctional upbringing, the failure of others, or you fill in the blank. However, accepting our lives right where they are – and owning our choices leads to freedom. Of course, there may still be consequences, but His grace is sufficient, even when our actions created the mess.

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When You Can't See a Thing

As I was growing up one of my least favorite answers was "we'll just have to wait and see". I wanted a yes or no - but not a wait and see.  In a world that longs for certainty- wait and see offers little promise. When you are in the Drs office the statement "let’s wait and see how this progresses" may elicit fear. In family situations, wait and see can create tension. In our spiritual life wait and see can challenge us to greater faith or bring discouragement.

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Monica Schmelter
Secrets to Getting Started

As she said those words, I remember that petite young woman that visited by my office about 15 years ago. She entered my office with a God given dream that seemed impossible. Yet she obeyed God and just got started. 

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Monica Schmelter
Norma's Prayers Changed My Life

It’s been years since I took that call, but it’s a conversation I will never forget. Today when people contact me to say a Bridges episode or guest touched their life, I remember Norma the praying viewer. I think about all the prayers that have been offered in faith by people I may never meet. It’s the behind-the scenes prayers that fuel the Bridges show and bring daily encouragement to people across the nation. Today’s Secret is worth sharing – God has people (we don’t even know) praying for us right this moment. 

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I Spilled a Glass of Water all over the Front of my Dress on LIVE TV

This is one of those moments best shared over coffee but since that is not an option right this moment --- I will tell you now. There I was on LIVE TV interviewing a nervous guest. Most of her responses were just one word. One-word answers make for a long interview. Then I decided to take a drink of water. Somehow the sip of water concluded with me spilling the entire glass of water all over the front of my dress. We were LIVE on the air ----so that’s a really BIG oops. Please tell me you can feel my pain or at least understand how totally embarrassed I felt right at that moment.

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