Finding God in Grief

I prayed for Louise before she came to the studio. She has a story that no parent wants. She lost her daughter Rebekah in a fatal car accident. Louise and her family know the kind of grief that few people experience.

Rebekah lingered for five weeks in the hospital. The doctors and nurses tried everything they could to save her. Louise and her family, along with friends prayed relentlessly. Every time Rebecca would take a step forward, she would take a step back. Somehow, in all of this, Louise and her husband held on to their faith.

I Didn’t Want my Daughter to Die

At one point a neurologist was telling Louise that he thought they could save Rebekah. Louise responded with please understand - I do not want my daughter to die, but if she does, I know where she will go. She will go to heaven. The neurologist ended up asking Louise, may I ask what you believe?

Without delay, Louise and her husband sat down with the neurologist and unashamedly shared their faith in Jesus Christ. The Dr did not respond, but a seed was planted. Throughout the hospital stay, there were many opportunities for Louise to share her faith.

As a mom she was understandably consumed with grief. Yet she was intentional about finding God in her grief. Louise says she found God in her grief in many ways. There was the conversation with the neurologist who asked about her faith. Then, there was the nurse considering an abortion that allowed Louise to pray for her. There were several such incidents during the hospital stay.

Grief so Thick it is Hard to See God

Louise and her husband were in the most sorrowful season of their life – yet they looked for ways to share their faith and God met them right where they were.

Most of us have found ourselves in the thick of grief where it can be hard to see the goodness of God. Yet Louise and her husband determined they would not be angry with God. Instead, they purposed to see God even in their grief. Louise was quick to share that all people grieve differently. Understanding that grief is expressed in numerous ways can help us stay close to others – rather than draw away. It is also helpful to recognize that God is close to the brokenhearted and those crushed in spirit. God is not far away or aloof because we are experiencing grief. Rather, He invites us to draw near to Him so He can comfort us in our time of need. “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT

As Louise shared in the studio, losing someone, especially a child, is heartbreaking. Such losses can cause us to doubt God – and blame Him. Yet, if we dare to trust Him, we will find the beauty and comfort of His grace in our darkest seasons.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: When we hold on to our faith, we will find the beauty and comfort of His grace even in our deepest grief.

WHTN CTN#grief, #loss, #trust