Norma's Prayers Changed My Life

I would just love it if we could sit down and chat over lattes (and maybe we can someday) but for right now let’s get into today’s Secrets from the Studio. 

I am confident so much of what happens on the Bridges set is the result of praying viewers. Do you remember the year 2000? The mega talk of Y2K, failing computers, and all the surrounding concerns? That year, my personal life was also in crisis. It looked like my marriage would end in divorce. Of course, I prayed, fasted, and saw a professional counselor as I did not want a divorce. I wanted my marriage to continue and for our son to live in a two-parent home. 

Then Came the Ugly Cry 

On my way into the studio one morning, I started to pray. My prayers gave way to tears – and then came the ugly cry. Out of seemingly nowhere came the thought – someone somewhere is praying for me right now. When I arrived at the studio a co-worker said Monica a viewer (let’s call her Norma) is on the phone for you. 

I took the call even though I didn’t feel like talking. The woman on the other end of line said something like “Monica, you don’t know me, but God woke me up last night to pray for you. She went on to say I stayed up all-night praying for you and your family.” I was stunned and very thankful. I am not sure, but I think I managed to thank Norma before the call was over. 

It’s been years since I took that call, but it’s a conversation I will never forget. Today when people contact me to say a Bridges episode or guest touched their life, I remember Norma the praying viewer. I think about all the prayers that have been offered in faith by people I may never meet. It’s the behind-the scenes prayers that fuel the Bridges show and bring daily encouragement to people across the nation. Today’s Secret is worth sharing – God has people (we don’t even know) praying for us right this moment. 

Me and My Two Joe’s 

Thankfully, God restored my marriage. We are about to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. I thank God for His faithfulness – and Norma I can never express how your all-night prayer session on my behalf is still blessing my family today. I tell people all the time my life is best described as “Me and My Two Joe’s (Joe Jr., my husband, and Joseph III, my son). 

I would be honored to pray today. Just let me know how I can pray and together we will see God’s plans for your life come to pass. 

