Are You Willing to Start?

One of the most rewarding parts of working at CTN has been the opportunity to help people launch their own shows. The most recent opportunity, “What If? Moments for Moms” hosted by Ashley Mclain has been especially significant. 

I’ve worked with Ashley off and on for about 13 years. Anyone that knows Ashley would tell you that she is a very beautiful, smart and talented young woman. I still remember the moment that Ashley told me she was pregnant. She walked into my office with the most unusual look on her face. She was holding something in her hand, and I was trying to figure out what it was. As she got closer to my desk, I realized she was holding a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test. I knew how much Ashley wanted to have a baby, and here was one of her very first mom moments. 

Her Face Lights Up 

Watching Ashley grow into Motherhood has been incredible. Her face lights up at the mention of her son. Ashley and her husband Bobby are wonderful parents to Charlie. Their family videos and pictures are filled with love and fun adventures. 

After completing one season of What If ? Who Could You Be If. Ashley sensed a new direction for her show. The new direction is all things Motherhood. When Ashley told me about the change. I knew the show would create community and encourage Moms. 

When I told Ashley that I thought her show should air on the CTN national feed she was excited but hesitant. With her permission I scheduled an appointment with CTN’s President Yolanda D’Andrea Morris and Vice President Brian Morris. Yolanda and Brian immediately saw the value of Moment’s for Moms and the show was selected for CTN’s national feed.  

Mom Moments 

Ashley’s new show is engaging and relatable. Her interviews will focus on a topic related to motherhood. Each episode will feature a “Mental Health Moment” with Dr. Brooks Gibbs, and a segment with Stephanie O’Neal called “What the Hack” featuring fun tips, crafts or recipes to help busy moms. There will also be segments featuring other moms sharing “Small Victories” or “Mom Moments” and “Closing Comments with Charlie” Ashley’s little guy giving his input on the show!   


As we get ready to celebrate the launch, I reflect back on the process. A few years ago, I began giving Ashley what I would call “gentle nudges” to start a show. I saw her passion for Christ – her talent and her heart to help people. Ashley was willing yet cautious. When she came up with the name What If? Who Could You Be If, I was excited. I wanted to see her get started. Yet there always seemed to be some delay. Questions like what would the show look like? When is the right time- always got in the way.  Sometimes I would email Ashley and say “What if? - What if you just got started? We would laugh over my reminders – but my point was clear. Sometimes you just have to get started. You may not see the whole picture. God doesn’t always give us every single step. Most of the time it’s one step by faith at a time. If Ashley hadn’t stepped out in faith with the first season of What If? Who Could You Be If – she may have never gotten the next step. What If? Moments for Moms. 

Now, I think about all the moms, who will find community and encouragement from What if? Moments for Moms. Moms coming together to celebrate small victories, learn new recipes, and find clarity with Mental Health Moments by Dr. Brooks Gibbs. This new season is launching because Ashley was willing to start. 

Todays Secret from the Studio: What if you let go of the excuses and got started right now? 

Blessings, Monica