Life Changing Moments

Most of us have had at least one moment that changed everything. For me the first life changing moment I recall is making Jesus the Lord of my life. Truly everything changed once I made that commitment.

Then of course there are other moments – like the birth of a baby – a marriage – graduation – a loss etc. I sat on the Bridges set not too long ago with Sue McGray. Sue authored a book called Life Changing Encounters and Divine Appointments. Her book affirms how God is actively present and working in our lives in large and small ways. There are moments recorded in the Bible like the woman at the well. Her life was changed with just one conversation with Jesus.

Her Personal Life Changing Moment

As I talked with Sue, I asked her if she could share a personal life-changing moment. She agreed. What I heard next surprised me. Her personal life-changing moment started with forgetting her coat. Forgetting her coat? Yes, that is what I thought too. But that is exactly how the course of Sue McGray’s life changed in just one moment.

Sue forgot her coat at a woman’s house. When she talked with the woman – the woman said I will drop your coat off at a church. The church was close to Sue’s house so they agreed the woman would drop the coat off and Sue would pick it up. I thought dropping a coat off at a church was odd. Don’t you? It was in fact a church that Sue didn’t even attend. But Sue went to the church and sure enough there was the coat she had forgotten.

As she picks up her coat Sue begins to sense a drawing of the Holy Spirit. She felt deep in her heart that God wanted her to start attending this particular church. Sue obeyed the nudge. After she started attending the new church her young daughter met a new friend. That new friendship developed into a lifelong friendship. To this day, as adults they do life together. This lifelong friendship all started with Sue forgetting her coat.

It Started with Something Simple

As it turns out Sue’s daughter isn’t the only one whose life was forever changed by a forgotten coat. Sue ended up meeting her husband Duane at that church. When we think of life changing moments we tend to think in large dramatic terms. Yet as Sue’s story teaches us, a life-changing moment can start with something as simple as a forgotten coat.

Certainly, God is with us in the momentous occasions of our lives. But He is also with us and actively present in the small details. I have heard many stories on the Bridges set and I have enjoyed and learned from all of them. Sue’s story spoke volumes to me about how God is always working in our lives.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: When you sense that small nudge in your life – be quick to obey it. God works through all things (even forgotten coats) to bring about His good plan for our lives.