He Will Show the Way

A few years ago, a petite young woman came to the WHTN studio for a meeting. As we talked, she shared her dream of having her own health and fitness television show called Rise Up with Jennifer Brindley. I was especially excited to hear the idea because there aren’t a lot of workout shows on Christian Television.

I gave Jennifer a tour of the studio and outlined the process and costs associated with creating a tv show. Jennifer was undaunted by the work and cost, as she was confident that God was leading her to start the show. It wasn’t long before Jennifer launched a daily television show on WHTN/Christian Television Network. Her show was a welcome and popular addition to WHTN’s program lineup. Viewers loved Jennifer’s upbeat personality and were excited to join her workouts and receive tips on healthy eating. Today’s Secret from the Studio is about getting started. While having a television show may sound exciting, it’s also hard work. The timing is never just right. Nor are the conditions ever perfect. If you wait for everything to line up just right, you may miss your opportunity. With God’s help, Jennifer walked by faith and just got started.

As the show gained in popularity Jennifer marched forward. She never failed to create new workouts and healthy eating plans for her viewers. She even offered low calorie and delicious recipe options on her show and website. Rise Up with Jennifer Brindley was a place where people could get healthy physically and spiritually. Over the years Jennifer received many reports from viewers on how Rise Up helped them get fit again. All the while, Jennifer never forgot to give God the glory and she included scripture in every episode.

When Jennifer called me a few weeks ago to say that God was leading her to step away from Rise Up, I was immediately saddened. I was comforted though by hearing how Jennifer was trusting God for her next season. When I asked Jennifer what that next season would be she said.... I don’t know yet. I am just confident that He's asking me to discontinue Rise Up and wait on Him.

As she said those words, I remember the petite young woman that visited the studio about 15 years ago. She entered my office with a God given dream that seemed impossible. Yet she obeyed God and just got started. Her willingness to get started resulted in 15 years of daily television that blessed viewers with health and fitness. Getting started is seldom easy but when approached with a desire to honor God and help people it is always worth it. As Jennifer steps away from Rise Up and listens for what God has next, I have no doubt her next season will be her best yet. After all she has learned first-hand the value of just getting started. The timing may not seem right – the conditions may be less than ideal – but when God speaks – dive in by faith and get started.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: Getting started is seldom easy but when approached with a desire to honor God and help people it is always worth it.