Dad-Your Kids Need You

Loving and leading your children in a broken world requires conviction and courage. On the Bridges set I have listened to many stories about fathers. Sadly, the absence of a father – or the presence of immature fathers present giant-sized challenges for children. Here is a quote about Fatherhood from one of America’s most loved and respected evangelists.

 “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” Billy Graham. Research shows that children with good fathers in the home are more likely to grow into strong and confident adults. In everything from reading scores to problem solving, children with capable, present fathers are more likely to succeed. Of course, that does not mean that children without a father figure in the home are destined to fail. Thankfully, good moms, pastors, caring teachers, and others in our community can also impact our children in many valuable ways.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, let us be quick to applaud the men that are intentional about parenting. After all it’s not easy to meet children’s needs. Their needs come in all shapes and sizes. With the help of Christ though –you have got all the strength you need to help your children grow and fulfill God’s plan for their life. Over the last 25 years I have conducted over 4000 interviews and there are some shows that really leave a lasting impression. One of the stand-out interviews was one I did in honor of Father’s Day. I was interviewing a father and his adult son. They are both pastors, and it was clear to me that the relationship they share was very special and built on God’s love. The adult son made a comment that I will remember and hold in my heart forever. Here is what he said: “My father was such a good example and role model that he never did anything that caused me to question Christianity.” Pastor Barry Smith, Generation Changers Church. When Pastor Barry made that comment I thought that is probably the highest compliment that could ever be made about any Father. That kind of fatherhood is only possible by trusting in and relying on Christ completely. While it’s impossible to undo our past fathering (or parenting) mistakes we can start to live from here today. There are no perfect parents (except our Heavenly Father) but there are fathers and mothers who live trusting God implicitly. With Christ’s help, mere mortal dads can love unconditionally, lead biblically, and repent whenever the mark is missed. It isn’t about perfection or religion– it’s about a relationship steeped in biblical truth, love, and surrender.

Dads, your children need you. They need your leadership. They need your love. They need your approval. Even when you can’t affirm their behavior – you can affirm them. You can affirm your love and support even when you must discipline them. Especially when you discipline them. They need to know you still love them – and that you love them enough to teach them the difference between right and wrong.

 Dads – your role may seem unsung, unpraised, and unnoticed at times, but you are one of the most valuable assets in our society.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: Your Children Need You.