A Friend is Always Loyal

About 25 years ago I met Herman and Sharron Bailey. Herman was sent by CTN’s Headquarters to serve as the General Manager at WHTN – CTN's Nashville affiliate station. At that time WHTN was a struggling station, and Herman was selected to turn things around. When I met the Bailey’s, I knew they were special people. They are a handsome, well-dressed couple and their faith in Christ is evident. Herman enthusiastically shares the gospel. He gets straight to the point without pretense. Sharron is beautiful and her conversation is steeped in grace. I quickly recognized what wonderful examples that Herman and Sharron would be in my life – professionally and personally. As television personalities they demonstrated excellence in everything they did. Their show “It’s Time with Herman and Sharron” was awarded numerous Angel Awards for excellence in programming. Their daily show was on CTN for 42 years.

I Needed to Follow His Example

On a personal level, Herman and Sharron encouraged me in my faith. I saw both of them live out integrity, discipline, and diligence. Their consistent example inspired me to new heights in ministry and on the home front. When Herman shared that he read the Bible at the same time every day – whether he was at home or on vacation, I was challenged to follow his example. Once Herman and Sharron got WHTN pointed in the right direction, it was time for them to return to sunny Florida and continue their show from CTN HQ. As they departed, Herman recommended me for the General Manager role at WHTN. When faced with challenging situations I sought Herman’s advice and prayers. I learned from Herman to stand up for what is right even when it would be easier to do nothing. Having Herman and Sharron as mentors assisted me in my growth and development as a Christian leader. I don’t think I could have ever served as WHTN’s General Manager, without their assistance and support. During CTN telethons at HQ, Herman would ask me to join him and Sharron on the Love Basket segment. We had such fun raising money for single moms and their children. Additionally, the stories that came from the Love Basket ministry were life changing. I cherish those memories.

The Number “17”

During one telethon (off camera) Herman shared a prayer request with me. I knew the Holy Spirit was asking me to join Herman and Sharron in agreement for a miracle in their family. I started praying every day. Many days I would text Herman across the miles just to say I am praying with you and Sharron for a miracle in your family. We would close our texts with the number “17”. Herman taught me that the number 17 has great biblical significance. It means complete and total victory. We prayed for that miracle for a few years – and then we saw the miraculous answer! In December 2022, Herman and Sharron Bailey retired from CTN. What started as a great working relationship, became a loyal and trusted friendship.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. Proverbs 17:17 NLT

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