One Bad Cord

In the early days of Bridges, we were breaking new ground with every program. None of us felt very confident about what we were doing and with all our outdated equipment none of us knew what to expect - especially doing LIVE TV. While we were filming one program, I remember hearing a lot of noise behind the set. Since the program was LIVE, I just moved forward and hoped for the best. When the show was over, I cautiously looked behind the set where I saw a crew member lying on the floor. When my inquiring mind asked what was going on, he explained that he was swapping out the failed battery in my microphone. After climbing behind the set, he decided to stay there until the show was over rather than risk getting caught in a camera shot. Many people think I smile and nod because I am such a nice person. Hopefully, I am a nice person. Sometimes I smile and nod because I simply have No Words.