Well Worth It!

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve looked for the easy way out. Typically, my initial response to a challenge is to procrastinate.

Let us consider something as basic as cleaning out my closet. I know the closet needs attention. But I wait. I put it off just one more weekend. After all, I am tired….or busy…or I just don’t know where to start. Usually, when I get past my excuses and clean out my closet, I feel a sense of relief and satisfaction. It’s not easy but it’s always worth it.

 I have heard that concept repeatedly on the Bridges set. For example, one of my guests shared her story of gaining over one hundred pounds in a two-year period. The weight gain contributed to high blood pressure, diabetes, and a few other health conditions. With fierce determination, she changed her eating habits and started working out. After 14 long months she was down one hundred pounds, her blood pressure was back to normal, and she tested negative for diabetes. In her own words – it wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

Toward the end of 2021 WHTN embarked on a studio makeover. Because of generous viewers like you we were able to order new studio cameras, lights, and sets. All of that – every bit of it – is a HUGE blessing. We are all so excited and so thankful.

At the same time – the studio makeover has not been easy. Supply chain issues have slowed us down, and sometimes we repeat pardon our dust as we remodel frequently. Of course, there is always the very real and legitimate question of when will you be done? While we wish we could answer that question, we can’t be sure just yet.

All of this is remarkably similar in concept to my Bridges guest who lost one hundred pounds over 14 months. Sure, it was hard. There were plateaus. There were temptations like chocolate ganache birthday cake and ice cream. The challenges were not easy, but they were well worth it. When the struggle seems all too real at WHTN, we remind ourselves that while it may not be easy right now, ultimately, it will be well worth it. When the new cameras arrive – when the new sets are ready, and the remodeling dust is a faint memory – we will have a brand-new debt free studio. That brand new studio will allow us to continue broadcasting the gospel with the quality and excellence God’s Word deserves. We look forward to bringing you brand-new shows and improving the quality of our current shows.

I do not know the challenges you may be facing right now but it can be helpful to remember that the work involved in significant challenges may not be easy, but they are usually well worth it.

 Today’s Secret from the Studio: It Won’t Be Easy, but it Will Be Worth It.